Provider search tools

A web tool to optimize our client’s website

A look-up tool had been requested of us from a few of our clients, so we put in the work to develop it. This tool was a strong collaboration between our digital, accounts, and creative teams. The tool provides patients of OptumCare and ProHealth Care to search for health care providers, urgent care, radiology, labs, hospitals, or other service locations in their area.

This look-up tool is now used on the sites of many different locations in the country. We continue to help maintain the framework and list of providers in the database for their patients. We also often keep the design of this search tool updated alongside the main OptumCare website. This web tool has been helpful for not just our clients, but for their patients to easily find a local provider for any of their health needs.


What we’ve done

  • design
  • web and digital

have a look